Brain Images of Normal Subjects

Documentation Index

Select the document you require from the menu on the left.

Summary of data holdings

Summary of the data held by BRAINS.

User guide

Information about registration, searching, and submitting a data request.

Data dictionary

Lists all the data items in the BRAINS schema together with explanations of constraints and controlled vocabularies.

Dataset Provenance

Details of the studies from which the data orginates.

Data Use Agreement

For reference this is the agreement which you are required to sign when you make a data request.

Applying for Data

Outlines process for applying for data.

Data Contribution Agreement

If you are interested in contributing data to BRAINS Image Bank please read the Data Contribution Agreement. It defines the roles and responsiblities involved in data contribution and sets out the governance framework for the deposited data.

Citation Guidelines

Describes how Brains Image Bank should be cited in publications and presentations.