For up-to-date information about the data sources available in BRAINS and specific citation instructions applicable to some of them please see: Data Provenance
The following publication must be cited in the Methods (or equivalent section)
"A brain imaging repository of normal structural MRI across the life course: Brain Images of Normal Subjects (BRAINS)" Dominic E Job, David A Dickie, David Rodriguez, Andrew Robson, Cyril Pernet, Mark Bastin, James P Boardman, Alison D Murray, Trevor Ahearn, Gordon D Waiter, Roger T Staff, Ian J Deary, Susan D Shenkin, Joanna M Wardlaw. NeuroImage. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.01.027 PMID: 26794641.
The language used should be similar to the following:
Data obtained from the BRAINS (Brain Imaging of Normal Subjects) imagebank was used in the preparation of this publication.
A reference to BRAINS funders must be included in the acknowledgments section with a language similar to:
Funding from Edinburgh and Lothians Health Foundation 53/311 and BBSRC Sparking Impact SI 2013-0210 is gratefully acknowledged. Data compilation and sharing was funded by The University of Edinburgh Brain Research Imaging Centre (BRIC; and the University of Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging Centre ( Both centres are part of the Scottish Imaging Network, A Platform for Scientific Excellence (SINAPSE) collaboration (, funded by the Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Executive Chief Scientist Office, and the six collaborator Universities. Professor Joanna M. Wardlaw was funded by the Scottish Funding Council and Scottish Executive Chief Scientist Office through the SINAPSE collaboration. David Alexander Dickie was funded by a SINAPSE industrial collaboration (SPIRIT) PhD scholarship with TMVSE, a Medical Research Council (MRC) scholarship, and the Tony Watson Scholarship bequest to The University of Edinburgh. Dr Dominic E. Job was funded by Wellcome Trust Grant 007393/Z/05/Z. Dr David RodrÃguez was funded by the EPSRC NRP: NeSC Platform Grant (EP/F057695/1).
BRAINS must be cited as source of the data including the project web page:
BRAINS must be cited as source of the data including the project web page:
BRAINS must be cited as source of the data including the project web page: