Brain Images of Normal Subjects

Data Contribution Summary

The BRAINS Image Bank is collating anonymised (so far as is possible) images and associated clinical data from ‘normal’ individuals at all ages (from prenatal to old age) primarily in Scotland. The data will be provided to the BRAINS team based in the University of Edinburgh, to enable the University of Edinburgh to host the Data, on behalf of, and under the governance of, a Scotland-wide steering committee which comprises: principal investigators of the original studies (including experts in obstetrics, paediatrics, geriatrics, neuroimaging, psychology); experts in ethics, governance and law, and two lay representatives or other relevant persons and/or bodies (the “BRAINS Steering Committee”).

If you are interested in contributing data to BRAINS Image Bank please download the approriate Data Contribution Agreement.

Download Data Contribution Agreement for University of Edinburgh Staff (MS WORD document)

Download Data Contribution Agreement for researchers outwith the University of Edinburgh (MS WORD document)